We have been home for almost a week now. Thank you to all who were praying for us while we were at training. We are getting back into the swing of things, balancing work, home life and partnership development. The kids have been able to ease back into school with having two days off this week because of winter weather. They enjoyed their two days at home.
When I last posted I talked about finding out about a friend of mine who was not doing well. She passed away this week. I will be going to the viewing with another friend of mine.
It was really cool to see how Facebook played into her last couple weeks of life and then this week after she died. It was amazing to read all the posts of encouragement, prayers and tributes that people wrote. Some people faithfully posted encouraging words almost every day until she died. After she died there were many posts about what she meant to them and how they were praying for her family. Many comments that would not be shared at a memorial service because there isn’t time. I don’t know how many of them she knew about before she passed away but her family and friends were able to read them and see how special of a person she was.
Most people that posted are thanking God that they will be able to see her again some day in heaven.
It was very encouraging to me to see how Facebook helped people share there feelings over these last several weeks. It shows me that there are other ways to say good bye when you can’t do it in person.