Believe or Rely? Several years ago I was at a conference where an American pastor shared that he had just returned from Africa. He had been a guest preacher at a church in Africa with a dirt floor. He was amazed at how excited the people were about praising and worshiping God. After the service he asked the African pastor about how they could be so excited about God, compared to American Christians, when they had so little. The African pastor quickly responded- "In America, you believe in God. In Africa, we rely on God!" Ever since then, I have pondered the profound difference between believing in God and relying on God. As we transition to becoming full time missionaries, we are being forced to rely on God in many new ways. We are also being challenged to face and let go of other things we naturally rely on, whether it be our bank accounts, our regular paychecks, our comfortable house, or close (in miles) friends and family. I'd like to challenge you as well- Do you simply believe in God? Or do you truly rely on God? |
House for Sale! As of a week ago our house is now for sale. That certainly makes the upcoming transition feel more real! We also just had a large garage sale. After forecasts of rain, snow showers, and high wind, we prayed for good weather and had great weather! We also had donations of things to sell from friends at church and sold an amazing amount of stuff! Praise God! Please pray for us as we prepare to sell our house and that God would work out all the details and timing related to selling it. |
Launching Expenses As part of our financial needs to move to our home to Africa, we have to raise our launching expenses. These expenses include items such as language school and orientation, purchasing a four wheel drive vehicle, setting up our home (initial rent deposits and purchasing appliances and furniture) and related taxes. Our launching expenses are $37,000 ($11,000 for language school and $26,000 for startup expenses) and we have 27% of it raised. If you would like to give towards our launching expenses, please send your check to Wycliffe (address below) and include a note saying : "For Keith & Christine Bitikofer's overseas launching expense fund 270913-71". Or use the website link below and include the above note in the notes field for the donation. |
Answered Prayer We were looking for a tutor for our children, for while we (Christine and Keith) are in Swahili classes during language school in Tanzania this fall. We are pleased to announce that Laura Billingham has decided to join us for 3 months to be a tutor for our children. It is a wonderful answer to prayer and we are excited to have her join us! (After language school and orientation, we will move to Musoma and our children will attend a local homeschool coop with other missionary children). Please be praying for her as she prepares for this. If you would like to finanically support her, checks can be given to Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church written out to 'LAEFC' with a note saying it is for Laura's mission trip to Africa. |