Saturday, September 8, 2012

Meet Coco

It has been a week now since we got a third dog. We had been thinking about getting another dog, one that would grow bigger than the other two and hopefully one not so hyper and a better watch dog. One of the missionary’s dogs had puppies and 3 weeks ago we went to look at them. We picked a female and Nikki instantly fell in love with her.
Coco has spent a lot of time sleeping on Nikki

Last Saturday Keith and Nikki picked her up and brought her home. Nikki loved being able to hold her in the car. We spent all day Saturday holding her and trying to get her used to us.

Within 2 days of her being with us she had proven to be smarter than the other dogs. The other two dogs are Tanzanian mutts. Coco is, actually I’m not sure what she is. Within a day of being her she figured out how to get the doors open so she could come into the house. The other two dogs only tried to get in when the door was open enough for them to squeeze through. She loves playing with sticks and tug of war. Something the other two dogs never had any interest in.

It didn’t take long for her to become comfortable here and show her true personality. She is very playful and loves attention. She will follow us around the yard and she likes to bite at your toes, crocs, flip flops or pants/long skirts. We’re hoping she will grow out of biting.

We love having her around. The kids don’t like how she bites their toes or clothes but we are trying to teach her not to.

We haven’t introduced Coco to the other two dogs yet. They have met through the wood slats of the dog pen but that is it so far. We are going to wait until Coco is much bigger.