Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who's in your corner?

I have had a bad couple weeks and to be honest was upset with God for calling us to TZ. I was struggling with everything that goes along with moving to and adjusting to a new culture. Then I found this last week or maybe I should say it found me. I’ve been reading ‘Grace for the Moment Daily Bible’ by Max Lucado. Below is an excerpt from an entry last week. Hopefully this will be of help to others that are struggling with something or going through a rough time. Unfortunately the praying and waiting can be so tough when you want answers yesterday. But we have God fighting for us. Who else would we want in our corner?

God, Our defender

He is my defender, I will not be defeated. Ps 62:6

Here is a big question. What is God doing when you are in a bind? When the lifeboat springs a leak? When the rip cord snaps? When the last penny is gone before the last bill is paid?...

I know what we are doing. Nibbling on nails like corn on the cob. Pacing floors. Taking pills…

But what does God do?...

He fights for us. He steps into the ring and points us to our corner and takes over. “Remain calm; the Lord will fight for you” Ex. 14:14

His job is to fight. Our job is to trust.

Just trust. Not direct. Or question… Our job is to pray and wait.

From When God Whispers Your Name

--Max Lucado

We like to call our friends or family before going to God. But they can’t help us like God can. And I did email some friends and vent to them. Their words were encouraging but when I read this and realized God is fighting for me that was better than anything a friend could do or say.

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